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News & Views

02 Apr 2024

How will Artificial Intelligence (AI) Impact Search for Events?

Jon Monk - Head of Search Performance
How will Artificial Intelligence (AI) Impact Search for Events?

By Jon Monk

The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on search is a topic of much debate and speculation within the digital marketing and technology sectors.

As AI technologies continue to evolve, their influence on how we conduct searches, interpret data, and optimise for search engines is becoming increasingly profound.

One area where AI is set to make a significant difference is in operational efficiency, particularly in maintaining the relevance of websites throughout the event cycle.

Enhancing Operational Efficiency in Website Management

AI can greatly improve the operational efficiency of updating websites through the show cycle. For marketing teams, the task of keeping a website up-to-date with the latest information can be daunting, especially when it involves not just rewriting text but ensuring that all updates contribute to the website's relevance and search performance.

Impact on Website Relevance and Search Performance

Keeping a website relevant is crucial for maintaining and improving its search engine optimisation (SEO) and overall search performance. AI can support this by:

  • Updating event details: AI can adjust dates, speaker information, and session descriptions as new information becomes available, ensuring the website remains accurate and up-to-date.
  • Generating content: Beyond mere updates, AI can generate new content that aligns with emerging trends or user interests, keeping the site dynamic and engaging.

By enhancing operational efficiency in these ways, AI not only frees up human resources for more creative and strategic endeavours but also ensures that the website remains a relevant and authoritative source of information. This relevance is directly linked to search engine rankings, as search algorithms prioritise content that is accurate, up-to-date, and engaging.

The Future of AI in Search

As AI technologies become more sophisticated, their role in search is expected to expand beyond operational efficiencies to include more nuanced and complex tasks.

These may involve semantic search capabilities, where AI understands and responds to the intent behind search queries, or personalised search experiences based on individual user behaviour and preferences.

However, the implementation of AI in search also raises questions about transparency, data privacy, and the potential for algorithmic bias. As such, the future of AI in search will likely be shaped by ongoing discussions around these ethical considerations, alongside technological advancements.

A Word of Warning: The Responsible Use of AI in Content Creation

While the benefits of AI in search and website management are considerable, it's crucial to approach its use with caution. Google, and other search engines, are increasingly vigilant in identifying and penalising low-quality, AI-generated content. This is part of a broader effort to ensure that the content users find through search engines is valuable, accurate, and relevant.

The key to successfully integrating AI into your SEO strategy lies in responsible use. AI should be seen as a tool to augment human creativity and insight, not replace it. When used to generate content, AI should be leveraged for creating high-value, relevant material that serves the needs and interests of your audience. This means:

  • Quality over quantity: Focus on the quality of content rather than producing large volumes of AI-generated text.
  • Human oversight: Always have content reviewed and refined by human editors to ensure it meets your standards for accuracy, coherence, and relevance.
  • Ethical considerations: Be mindful of the ethical implications of using AI, including transparency about the use of AI-generated content and respecting copyright and intellectual property laws.

By adhering to these principles, you can harness the power of AI to improve your website's operational efficiency and search performance, without falling foul of the quality guidelines of search engines.

In Summary

The integration of AI into search and website management heralds a new era of efficiency and personalisation in digital marketing. Its ability to automate updates, generate content, and analyse user behaviour can significantly enhance a website's relevance and authority.

However, this comes with the responsibility to use AI ethically and wisely, ensuring content remains high-quality and genuinely useful to your audience.

As we navigate the evolving landscape of AI in search, a balanced approach that combines AI's computational power with human creativity and oversight will be key to unlocking its full potential.

Join Our Webinar: Using AI for Enhanced Search Performance

Excited about the possibilities AI brings to search optimisation and website management? Join us for our upcoming webinar, 'AI Unveiled - Beyond the Hype Practical AI Use in SEO' where we'll dive deeper into how AI can transform your digital marketing strategy and ensure your website stays ahead of the curve.

In this session we'll cover:

  • Practical ways to incorporate AI responsibly into your SEO efforts.
  • Strategies to maintain high-quality content standards with AI.
  • Insights into Google's stance on AI-generated content and how to navigate it.
  • Real-world examples of AI driving search performance improvements.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn how to leverage AI for not just efficiency, but also for creating content that resonates with your audience and ranks well on search engines.

  • Register now to secure your spot and take the first step towards AI-powered search optimisation success.

This webinar is part of a new series of webinars looking at Search Engine Optimisation for events - view the full programme here

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