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11 Mar 2024

Google's Core Update (March 2024) - A Fresh Take on Quality for Events

Jon Monk - Head of Search Performance
Google's Core Update (March 2024) - A Fresh Take on Quality for Events

By Jon Monk

In a recent stride towards refining the online search experience, Google has unveiled significant updates to its core algorithms this March (2024). Their goal is to elevate the quality of information we find online while sidelining content that doesn't quite measure up. For event marketers, this signals an important shift in how websites are evaluated and ranked, influencing how your events are discovered by potential attendees. Let’s delve into what this means for your events website and how you can adapt.

Understanding the Update
At the heart of Google's update are efforts to combat "spammy" and low-quality content that clouds search results. Elizabeth Tucker, Director of Product Management at Google, outlines three key areas of focus:

    1. Improved quality ranking
    2. Updated spam policies
    3. Reduction of low-quality, unoriginal results

By refining their ranking systems, Google aims to better identify content that is truly helpful to users, pushing against pages created more for search engines than human beings.

Impact on Events Websites
For event marketers, this update serves as a nudge to prioritise quality and originality in your online content. Here’s how the update specifically targets areas that could affect events websites:

  • Scaled Content Abuse - In the past, some sites might have tried to game the system by generating large volumes of content through automation, hoping to rank higher on search results. This approach, often lacking in genuine value, will face tougher scrutiny. For your events website, this means steering clear of creating pages en masse without regard to the quality or relevance of the information provided. Instead, focus on crafting content that genuinely adds value, offering unique insights or information about your events that attendees can't find elsewhere.
  • Site Reputation Abuse - Event websites often collaborate with third parties, be it for promotional articles or event listings. However, Google’s update takes a firmer stance against low-value content piggybacking on a site's reputation. If your site hosts content from other sources, it’s crucial to ensure it maintains the same level of quality and relevance expected of your own content. This will help safeguard your site’s reputation and ensure it doesn’t fall foul of Google’s updated policies.
  • Expired Domain Abuse - The practice of buying expired domains to leverage their search ranking for unrelated content is also being clamped down on. For event marketers, this underlines the importance of building your website’s authority through legitimate means. Invest in creating compelling, original content about your events that resonates with your target audience, rather than seeking shortcuts through domain manipulation.

Moving Forward
With Google's March 2024 core update, the message is clear: quality and originality are paramount. For event marketers, this is an opportunity to audit your website and content strategy. Focus on creating engaging, informative content that speaks directly to your audience's interests and needs. Share stories from past events, insights into your planning process, or behind-the-scenes peeks that offer real value to readers.

Remember, the goal of your website should always be to provide a helpful, engaging experience for potential attendees. By aligning with Google’s updated policies and focusing on high-quality, original content, your events website can stand out in search results, drawing more interested attendees and ensuring your events are seen and celebrated by the audiences they deserve.

As we navigate these changes, the emphasis on delivering genuine value through our online presence has never been clearer. For event marketers, now is the time to embrace these principles, ensuring your events shine online.

Embrace the change with our SEO for Events Masterclass
Are you ready to navigate the SEO landscape with Google's latest update? Join our ASP SEO for Events Masterclass. Tailored specifically for event marketers, this masterclass demystifies SEO, providing you with actionable strategies to enhance your website's visibility and ranking.

Whether you're new to SEO or looking to update your skills, our expert-led sessions will equip you with the knowledge and tools to thrive in this new era. Secure your spot today and transform your approach to SEO for events.

Find out more here. 

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