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News & Views

23 Oct 2023

New ShowOff Functionality - October 2023

Ben Mooney
New ShowOff Functionality - October 2023

At ASP we don't like to stand still, we’re constantly improving our tech to ensure that we are delivering the best possible service to all our clients. Feedback has always been at the heart of our development plans and thanks to our new client feedback portal (launched earlier this year) some of our more recent changes have been driven by you.

Last week we released two exciting updates to ShowOff (our CMS system) both of which came from suggestions that you made.

    - You can now copy a section to another page within the same site

    - QR codes can now be generated for Campaign Trackers

Copying page sections to another page.

This change follows an update we made in August which allowed dynamic management of sections within your page (find out more on that here). You can now easily move copy from one page to another via the ‘clone page’ button which is located to the left of each section.

Check out our demo video for the full overview (turn on your sound to hear Ben talking you through how it works):

QR Codes in Campaign Tracker

Another popular request was for us to help you create QR codes that linked to our campaign trackers. We are pleased to share that this functionality is now available and QR codes can be created at the same time as the campaign tracker or you can go in at a later date and generate them then.

Check out this quick video which shows you what to do (you don't need sound for this one)!

You can view the full list of release notes for October here (you'll need to be logged in to view them).

And if you'd like to suggest improvements and changes or just have a look at what other people have requested, head to our new feedback system - we'd love to hear from you. To access the feedback portal simply login to ShowOff and look for the feedback button on the bottom left-hand section of your screen.

Once there you'll be able to see all the current requests, vote for your favourites or add your own.


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