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How to...write the perfect meta title for your event website

ASP Events
How to...write the perfect meta title for your event website

You’ve cherry picked the finest keywords [link] you can find for your event website, and have also mapped [link] those words to the right show website pages. Now it’s time to
write the perfect search engine-happy page titles and descriptions for your pages. A page title of the web page and its description are similar to the title and blurb on the
front and back of a book. They tell you what the book (or page) is about before you open it (or click the link).

When it comes to online, meta titles and descriptions are the short pieces of HTML code found in every web page. They are the text that are displayed on search engine result pages and browser tabs to reveal the topic of that webpage or website. So when a potential visitor makes a keyword search that relates to your show on a
search engine like Google. 

These may only be three lines of simple text, but for your web page’s SEO they are extremely important as they impact:

● Search engine rankings - If you add your target keywords into the meta title, this can greatly improve the page's keyword rankings and performance.
● Clicks from the search results – Well written meta titles and descriptions can drive more clicks to your listing from the search results than others, think of your meta title and description as a three-line advert.

The following steps will help you write effectively for meta titles and descriptions:
● Note your keyword target – from your completed keyword research and mapping work, note down your top keyword target. 

● Get competitor insights – get inspiration from the top-ranking websites for your top target keyword. Type your top target keyword into Google and review the meta titles and description for all your top competitors.


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